Feminism: Right of reply to our Daughters

Feminism: Right of reply to our Daughters

A much-needed guide for teen girls and young adult women in this confusing world.

We live in a world where the role of women is constantly evolving. And for Christians, this can be a confusing and difficult time. On one hand, we want to uphold biblical values and teachings. But on the other, we don't want to be seen as oppressive or outdated. How can we find the balance?

Jeanine Banza-Katungutere’s latest book: Feminism: Right of Reply to Our Daughters is here to help. With 14 clear and concise principles written in the form of motherly advice, this book offers a biblical foundation for modern-day Christian feminism. It provides a much-needed message of freedom, dignity, and empowerment for millennial women while tackling hot topics like sexual orientation, gender roles, and the contributions of women in the church.

Whether you are a young adult coming to terms with your faith or a mother seeking clarity about feminism and its role in the Christian community, this book provides a valuable platform for meaningful dialogue and exploration of this important issue.

Plus, in addition to being an educational tool, Feminism: Right of Reply to our Daughters also puts your values into practice by supporting causes that matter to you. With every purchase of this powerful and inspiring book, you are helping to end gender-based sexual violence, put a stop to human trafficking, and eradicate poverty worldwide. So why wait? Get your copy today and join the movement for feminism and social justice!

To purchase on Amazon, please follow this link. 


Let's Talk / On Parlons

Whether you are just starting to explore your calling in life, or have been struggling with questions of feminism and faith for some time, I can provide you with the guidance and support you need to find your own unique path. As a biblical feminist and a dedicated Christian, I am well-equipped to help you navigate the often-confusing landscape of spirituality and empowerment. Whether it's clarifying your beliefs and values or identifying practical steps that you can take toward achieving your goals, I am here to offer you the tools and resources that will help you thrive in every area of your life. So if you are ready to start searching for what truly matters most to you, let's talk today! I won't rest until we find your true purpose.

Que vous soyez en train d'explorer votre vocation dans la vie ou que vous vous débattez depuis un certain temps avec des questions de féminisme et de foi, je peux vous offrir l'orientation et le soutien dont vous avez besoin pour trouver votre propre chemin unique. En tant que féministe biblique et chrétienne dévouée, je suis bien équipée pour vous aider à naviguer dans le paysage souvent confus de la spiritualité et de l'autonomisation. Que ce soit pour clarifier vos croyances et valeurs ou identifier des étapes pratiques que vous pouvez entreprendre pour atteindre vos objectifs, je suis là pour vous offrir les outils et les ressources qui vous aideront à prospérer dans tous les domaines de votre vie. Donc, si vous êtes prête à commencer à chercher ce qui compte vraiment le plus pour vous, parlons dès aujourd'hui ! Je ne me reposerai pas avant que nous trouvions votre véritable objectif.

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